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Ayahuasca Healing Ceremonies

Kev is an Australian ayahuasquero who ran his own retreat in the Amazon of Peru until covid hit.

He has performed over 600 safe healing ceremonies.

I am Kat, his wife, and together we make healing and miracles possible. We have seen miracles happen, including cancer healed, ADHD, gut disorders, the most severe traumas imaginable healed, diabetes both types, back injuries healed, etc etc. It can happen for you, too, it only depends on you, if it is time and if you allow it.


Addictions, depression, trauma (childhood or adult abuse), anxiety, PTSD - are the most common issues people get help with (release, understand, heal). 



Videos - scroll down or our YouTube channel: Lupuna Ayahuasca Centre

Our Healing stories


What is an Ayahuasca Ceremony?


Plant medicine is traditionally done in South America, in other countries as well non-traditionally.


A ceremony is when there are these requiered components:


1. Shaman called Ayahuasquero that is trained by the (plant) spirits in the Amazon region and has done many plant diets so that the spirits work with him/her, the Shaman knows what is happening on the energy level, is connected to the spirit world, asks the spirit for healing the people by singing songs to the spirits (called "icaros" in Spanish). The Shaman must drink the tea as well to be connected. Tha Shaman has a rattle ("chacapa") as a tool to release the negative from people, be it thought / energy / entities - of course with the help of the plant spirits. The Shaman makes sure everyone is safe. Kev is an ayahuasquero - a shaman trained in the Peruvian Amazon by the Spirit of Ayahuasca and other plant spirits. He has performed over 600 safe ceremonies with incredible results.


2. The Tea. The tea establishes the connection to the spirit world, you can picture it as a very deep uncomfortable Meditation where the connection to your higher self / spirit guides is established and you are in the expanded state of consciousness. The Tea puts you in this state easily and without mistakes or confusion, while inducing nausea, stomach sickness - connecting to high vibrational plants is not pleasurable. The connection to all that is is one of the reasons people seek this medicine. You must desire the help and be open to the help offered. Your spirit guides are there for you and love you very much. 


3. The Spirits

Connected to the Shaman, no spirits = no ceremony. If you drink the tea yourself, you may have a tripping experience - see some stuff, colours, patterns and that is it. Healing comes from the spirits and they only work on you if the Shaman asks them. So again, no spirits = tripping. We don't do tripping.

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in Peru


We built with our own hands and run the most beautiful Ayahuasca centre in the heart of the Amazon jungle in Peru. Currently it is closed due to world events and we are staying in Brisbane, Australia. We are Peruvian residents.


Healing takes time, never happens in one or two ceremonies. If you have been through life time of trauma or have fought your diseases for many many years, it would be too much to expect to fix things in one 4 hour session. That is why you read stories that someone went there and there and didn't heal - you must always know the background to judge what actually happened. 


Before 2020, there were thousands of people each week for decades doing ceremonies all over the world. If it is done properly, it is safe.


The Reason

You are drawn to the plant medicine because you are looking for help, there is something in your life that bothers you and you have tried to fix it in a conventional, western way. You may have tried psyllocibin or LSD or other stuff to help you feel better or find answers. Now, you feel it is time to turn to the ultimate - spiritual way of healing and spiritual transformation.


Can anyone participate?

Every centre in Peru, including us, has a list of conditions that must be met for the safety of all participants. 


Ayahuasca Diet

No special preparation is needed - we recommend healthy diet, at least a week before. I know that many centres in Peru put you almost on fasting for 3 weeks, making you believe that vitamin C can harm you when you do ayahuasca. If ayahuasca heals drug addiction, it can definitely deal with you eating a pizza or chicken kebab. We do recommand healthy fruit/vege chicken fish natural unprocessed diet at least one week before, definitely no pork or beef or alcohol, prescribed medications - except when you consult with us, at least a day before... Also no cannabis or CBD oil at least 3 days prior.


The Shaman

An ayahuasca shaman is called Ayahuasquero, it is not a typical shaman. It is totally different. 

An ayahuasca shaman has to do many plant diets to connect to the spirits and gain their trust so that the spirits work on the people during the ceremonies. Also, Kev worked side by side with authentic Peruvian shamans in our centre. Our Maestro Julio (70 yo) and Jauriman (40 yo) were true ayahuasqueros. 


A "shaman" who does not work with spirits is not a shaman.

If you want to do ayahausca, you definietly need an ayahuasca shaman who drinks the "tea" with you, is in charge of the ceremonies and communicates to the spirits - sings icaros AND knows what is happening to you in the ceremony. The icaros come from the medicine itself. It is a long learning process with a lot of challenges and obstacles. You cannot go to Peru, pay for a course and become a shaman in 3 weeks because you drank the "tea" 12 times. Or drink the tea yourself many times and think now you are a shaman.


When Kev went to Peru the first time he asked God in the ceremony: "What is the best think I can do for you?" And God answered: "This. - be a shaman, guide the people and bring them back to God." All doors opened and this is what we are doing. Kev drinks the tea with you just like every ayahuasquero and is totally immersed in the ceremony, he has the ability to see the spirits working on you, and much more... Healing requires a real shaman. Tripping can be done just by yourself or with someone who can cook the tea and listen to YouTube music.

A remark - In Peru a facilitator is a person who carries people to the toilet in ayahuasca ceremonies. An ayahuasca ceremony with a facilitator is NOT a ceremony, it is tripping. We don't do TRIPPING.


What is the difference between tripping and healing?

Tripping is seeing colors, rainbows, unicorns and have a nice feeling. It does not heal. It does not involve spirits. It may involve your spirit guides and they may try to help you or communicate to you. It is not bad, it may give you some insight, leading to relief. But not release / healing.


Healing: you are in the state of expanded consciousness in which the spirits and your spirit guides can do a "cosmic surgery" on you, they can fix your physical body (may be accompanied by pain in the area), they dive deep into your subconscious mind and bring your buried / not remembered / intentionally suppressed traumas to the surface in the gentlest way possible and they release it - in the form of crying, shaking, vomitting, diaorrhea (we always make sure you can be present and go to the toilet :) ), laughing, vocal noises, coughing.


Is it psychedelic?

Psychedelic is a label. Ayahuasca is UNIQUE. So it deserves a unique category. Therefore it does not fit to any pre-existing labels. It is not like mushrooms, not like San Pedro, not like LSD, not like MDMA, not like anything else. I don't call it psychedelic, based on what I have witnessed in over 500 ceremonies performed by my husband and me being present, explaining if people don't understand and seeing results in every single case. Ayahuasca is SPIRITUAL MEDICINE. End of story. 

(Definition: Psychedelics are a group of substances that change or enhance sensory perceptions, thought processes, and energy levels. - so, alcohol is a psychedelic, too. Also meditation.).


Is it hallucinations?

Do you call memories from your life hallucinations?

Do you call remembering who you are and what you are here for hallucinations?

Do you call meeting your spirit guides hallucinations?

Do you call guidance (auditory or visual form) hallucinations?

Do you call visions of future events / warnings hallucinations?

You be the judge.

The western Pharma industry is massive. They created false ideas in people and made you believe that nature can kill you. We live in the time of perversion, the truth is portrayed by media as a lie and a lie as the truth. You must follow your intuition and see clearly beyond the veil of deception.


Is it a drug?

First, Ayahuasca HEALS drug addiction. A drug cannot heal drug addiction, ok?

Drug is defined as addiction and the social impact it has and the effect it has on people and the society.

So picture a drug you know - you get addicted to it, you do it to feel better or faster or more effective, when it stops working you need it again and maybe a bigger dose, in a while you would do anything to get it and you cut social ties to family and friends, you become paranoid, in the long term you and your health and life are destroyed. Drugs are designed to create addiction and keep you in the circle. I have never seen anyone telling me that alcohol, antidepressants, cocaine, heroin, meth or other made their life better or "Alcohol saved my life." Everyone knows that using these is harmful for them. I have received many Thank yous - "Ayahuasca saved my life". 


Ayahuasca heals. It is something like a guided meditation (in lying position) with release, realization, understanding, forgiveness. Mostly you never want to do it again. You do it for healing or understanding purposes only. You feel sick during its effects and can't wait for it to be over. It is designed by nature to do necessary ceremonies and never need it again. The opposite of drugs. The tea itself is pretty much useless, you do need the Shaman if you want healing!!!

You LOVE the results AFTERWARDS. It improves your life in the long run, it gives you the biggest gift of a better life, when you are ready. Shamans are not drug dealers, they are medicine men, they love to grow plants and use them for the benefit of the one who asks for help.

When I asked Julio, our shaman in Peru, if it was a drug, he couldn't understand the question, how could anyone call it a drug? He said: "Es una medicina." It is a MEDICINE. And it truely is.


Would we want this to be available to everyone, like panadol? No. It is only beneficial in a ceremonial setting with a real shaman. Ayahuasca actually is not the Tea, it is the ceremony, the TEAM: shaman, tea and spirits. 


Is it for you?

Your spirit guides can call you to do this. When it is your time. You know because you can't stop thinking about it. Then your brain kicks in and you are scared and look for excuses why not to do it and have million questions. I won't lie - the ceremonies is a fight for your better life. And the fight starts even before you make it to the ceremonies. God rewards courage, as Kev says and it is true. Everyone we have seen going through our ceremonies - so judging based only on our experience - the gift for your determination and committment is a true blessing that cannot be achieved in a different way. You must be ready, committed and on the soul level willing to accept whatever the spirits have to offer, that is the allowing of the truth, not arguing with the spirits that you (your ego) knows better. Very often people think they can tell the spirits what to do or take them on a journey. It cannot be far from the truth. When you work with the spirits you understand and know that they are the ultimate intelligence, the ultimate love and the ultimate wisdom. Your ego is very often in the way of your healing and spiritual growth.


Explanation of Ceremonies

There are a lot of things that happen in ceremonies, luckily, we can explain it all, the spirits communicate to us during the ceremony to Kev and also to me (Kat). They were never wrong. If your ceremonies don't make sense to you, they make sense to us, every time. Spirits don't talk to you in riddles. They know exactly what to do, how to do it and when. Sometimes people get frustrated because they want answers now and under their terms. That is not how spirits work. If you show no respect to your spirit guides or other spirits, they have no reason to offer healing to you - you don't deserve it (yet). Gratitude is the most powerful healing tool. People who had gratitude and respect, always received amazing healing and understanding.


You get what you need, not what you want

Sometimes it is the same, sometimes you want something but the truth is you need something else - that you will receive, it is aligned with your purpose, with your journey. Again, if you get upset that the spirits don't give you what you want, it is not the right approach.


The truth

The biggest aspect of healing is facing the truth. It may be anything. Lie does not lead to healing. If you are ready to face the truth, you can move forward, you can heal, you can be the best version of yourself. It often includes traumas that are suppressed or you were too young to remember. It is there and it won't go away, the best approach is to be open to the truth, no matter what it is. 



People are scared that in order for trauma to be released they need to sit in it or relive it. That is not how it works. You need to understand the trauma, recognize it, get clarity, do the work around it and release it. Only the spirits know what the best way for you is. Sometimes to get to the bottom of your issues takes a few processes (of 4 cermonies). It is like peeling of layers of baggage in your life. It is only up to you how far you want to go. You never relive the trauma in our ceremonies. It never happened to anyone. 


Can I have a bad trip?

No. Since it is not tripping, you can't. You can have a tough ceremony. Some tough truths. Some painful healing. Yes. That is tough healing. It is like a surgery. It is not meant to be takes time to recover, too. If anyone tells you they had a bad trip, they are saying they believe God and Spirits made a mistake and didn't know what to do. It is hilarious. 


Can something bad happen to me?

No. The only thing that can happen is release of what does not belong to you. The only thing there is is your issues, buried traumas, unknown traumas, things that are already there. You may feel discomfort while releasing, yes, that is typical. There is no way around it. If you are not ready for this, wait until you are. People often read on fb that someone went to a Breath Work workshop or Sound Healing session or ayahuasca ceremony and caught a demon. Ok, this is the funniest thing ever. If you could catch an entity so easily, humanity would be dead already :) The only way an entity can attach is through a terrible traumatic experience, possibly by drinking too much alcohol, doing drugs, etc. An entity can NEVER jump to you from a person :) In an Aya ceremony the only direction is your attachment out. 


My condition is worse...

If you suffer anxiety, chances are that during the release in the cermony, you will feel anxiety. If you are depressed, you will probably feel bad depression at some stage during the process. This is normal. Ayahuasca is not like other drugs, that you take it and you magically feel great and in 8 hours you need to swallow it again... this is a healing PROCESS, it takes time to heal and to recover. If you are not fully healed after a healing process, it means there is more work to do. The Spirits never fail anyone, it is just a question of time. Someone needs one process. Someone needs more. It all depends on your past, on your willingness to achieve your maximum healing and maximum potential, when the time is right. The length of your healing matches the severity of your trauma, for example.


Final words

If you hesitate, it is not time for you yet. And it is better not to do it. 

If you would do anything to heal, it is time for you. If you ask for help from the bottom of your heart and you are ready to follow the advise you get from the Spirits and are willing to change yourself and your life, you will be ok. There are no limits to healing and we have seen the incurable cured time and time again. 


We were thinking of organizing groups travelling to our centre in Iquitos, Peru. We will see how things unfold at the moment the world is getting crazier...


Disclaimer: This serves as info about the most amazing natural healing. We don't convince anyone to do anything, we don't advise as to your mental or physical health. It is all your journey on this planet, your decisions and the consequencies of your decisions.





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Ceremonial House, Peru
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How it all started


In 2017 we met in a centre in Peru, Kev from Australia, Kat from Czechia (Europe). The meeting was orchestrated by God so we reunite in this life and since then we have been together, living in Czechia, in Peru and in Australia. In Kev's ceremonies he was shown that his job was to provide ayahuasca ceremonies to people and help them on their spiritual healing jurney. Very soon after that we ended up in Peru (Iquitos), before we even got there we were offered to buy a 44 Ha jungle lot and started building our centre. While we were building we were doing ceremonies for ourselves and local people. We had to learn Spanish, too. I spent my pregnancy there and our daughter Sara was born there. We became Peruvian residents, our daughter citizen. We lived without power, toilet and running water. It was really tough but we were excited about our mission.


We had ceremonies every week, Kev learnt alongside Peruvian ayahuasqueros, Maestro Julio (70 yo who was a healer for 40 years), Maestro Jauriman (40 yo, who worked with ayahuasca for 15 years). Kevin learnt from them and the spirits themselves, it takes many plant diets, and a long time. He became a shaman when Mother Ayahuasca appeared in front of him in a ceremony and said: "Now you are a Maestro yourself." The teachers are the plant spirits, not men.


If you ever go to Peru to do this, you will share a tiny cabin with a few other people and you will probably not have a bathroom there but community bathrooms, 2 toilets /  20 people. We built our centre so that people have maximum comfort, each spacious single cabit has its own flushing toilet, running water in showers and a sink. This is unheard of in the Amazon. We built a lot with our own hands, Kev did the water system and toilet system himself, basically we built all the bathrooms (10 cabins). We love our centre, it was built with love and ceremonies were performed with love.

When we arrived in quarantine in Oz in 4/2020 on a government rescue flight, we thought it was for 2 months. No, it was permanent. We stayed with Kev's parents for a while and then realized we have to live a life, we are over 40...we had troubles finding a rental becauses we lived in Peru before...everything was very tough.

More here: About us

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