Addictologists: "it is not addictive and does not cause health risks."
I am very pleased to read this conclusion of Czech (the country in central EU) addictologists. This is the whole story:
2 months ago there was a case in EU about a couple from Poland who smuggled Ayahuasca from Peru. It wasn’t clear if they also sold it but they did perform ceremonies using the plants. This couple was sentenced for 8 years prison. Then there was a guy who raped a few little kids on the playground and he walked free. These kids are f…..d up for their life. Until they grow up and maybe do ayahuasca, they have to live with this, this is the most horrific thing that can happen to a human being. And that is absolutely ok it seems.
Anyways, I asked the spirits: “Why is this couple punished for trying to help, that is not right!! “ Spirits answered: “The couple did not have the permission from the Spirits and God to do this work, they had no protection from the Spirit world. They smuggled the plants, which is prohibited, so there was punishment for that.” Me: “Yes, but still, they didn’t do any harm and only tried to help.” The Spirits said: “That is true, that is why they will be pardonned, so don’t worry about it :)”
The couple received a presidential pardon (President Zeman, Czech Republic) soon after I was told this. I was really happy for them. In the article the Czech addictologists say that it should be decriminalised: "The conviction caused a wave of indignation even among professional Czech society. For example, as stated by Matěj Hollan, a member of the Government Council for Policy Coordination in the field of Addictions, as well as other experts from the Association of Addiction Service Providers, ayahuasca should be decriminalized. And this is mainly because it is not addictive and does not cause health risks."
Link to the article: