I had an amazing QHHT session. The woman was a doctor and she felt that being a doctor does not really help people - prescribing pills does not cure. She is drawn to real healing (what is called wrongly alternative) by energies or QHHT. She saw 2 past lives on Earth and was told altogether she only had 3. Her neck pain was fixed, her frozen shoulders were fixed (80% better 2 days later), her knees were not painful any more. She got an explanation that she was scared to move forward so her legs were stiff, the knees were due to electric posts near her house. Her higher self came forward and was soooo happy to finally talk it presented itself as "We are the Arcturians". The energy was too high for her so they said they have to tune it down as she was twitching and twisting on the bed. She got all the answers. When she woke up she thought she fell asleep and it didn t work I love this. Every time I do a QHHT I feel immensely grateful to Dolores Cannon for her life-long work and this legacy - the way to the truth and healing.
QHHT session / Neck, shoulders healed / Arcturians
Updated: Oct 28, 2022